*Find Election Bills on the CGA Website
Post date: Feb 21, 2013 8:45:55 PM
Q: How do I find out which election-related bills are being considered by the Government Administration and Elections (GAE) Committee at their public hearings?
A: There are several ways to get this information. Always start by going to the front page of the Connecticut General Assembly website. Here are a few choices.
1. If you have a specific bill in mind and know the number, enter it in the Quick Search box Number____. Click GO and read the bill’s language and bill history.
2. By checking the GAE home page:
On the Connecticut General Assembly home page, pull down the menu for Committees (A-H), and select Government Administration and Elections.
The GAE Committee page will display links for Contact Committee and For the Record.
Click on Agendas to view the public hearing agenda of your choice.
You can view other categories, such as Bill Record Book (for all bills and their disposition), Vote Tally Sheets (to check how committee members voted on each bill), and more.
3. By calendar date:
View the calendar on the GGA front page. Click on a specific date to see the events scheduled at the Capitol.
Review the list of meetings and events for that date, and look for "Government Administration and Elections Public Hearing". Time and location of the hearing are listed.
Click on that item to see a list of the proposed bills scheduled for that particular public hearing, including links to the individual bills.
If the links don’t work, return to the CGA home page and enter the bill number along the top bar. Click GO and the bill should open.