Registrars in the News

Recent articles which mention elections and Registrars of Voters. Submissions are welcome.

Many of these articles are not from Fairfield County, but they are from major newspapers in CT. Please submit both positive and negative stories you find so that we can chronicle how we are being portrayed in the press. Also, if you think a story should be removed, please say so.

In addition to the PDFs below which represent print articles, you can also download some radio shows which discussed Registrars and the Election Process. The radio files can be big:

Click here for Melissa Russell, President of ROVAC, on the radio with John Rowland - 7/30/2012.

Click here for Governor Malloy, on the radio with Colin McEnroe - 11/7/2012 (Comments about the elections process start at about 16:30)

Westport Registrars Test Drive Online Voter Registration

Westport Registrars attend post-election LVW Coffee

Hartford Registrar Explains Need for More Voter Education