
Thank you for visiting.  This website is produced exclusively for the Fairfield County Registrars of Voters of Connecticut.

Links for the CVRS User Manual for Registrars (and for the Town Clerk's) can be found on the cover page (the splash screen or the logon page) of CVRS. Click here to download the July 2024 CVRS User Manual for Registrars

The Petition Module / Town Petitions is available from SOTS. 

The Registrar of Voters Manual of Procedures (the Handbook) can be found on the ROVAC Website.

 Click here to download the July 2024 Handbook

7 Days of Early Voting

Starting on Monday August 5th and Running through Sunday August 11th there will be 7 days of Early Voting for the August 13th Primary

A statewide Republican Primary will be held and many towns and cities will also have a Democratic Primary. 

If you have a question, or if you have a question AND answer, which you think would be relevant to all our members, please email it to FAQ@fairfieldcountyrovac.org and we will do our best to post question and answer for all.

A User Guide for Early Voting and CVRS was sent out on Tues, March 12th, 2024. However there have been some changes to the CVRS program.

Updated Early Voting Handbook, Suggested EV Forms, and a FAQ were sent out on Wed. July 24, 2024

The Link to a video of the July 29th online meeting with the Secretary of the State was sent out on Tues. July 30th, 2024

The ROVAC President sent an Early Voting Worker Instructional Video on Tues. July 30th 2024.

Early Voting Zoom and Phone Line Coverage Information was sent out on Fri. Aug. 2nd, 2024

Links to the SotS website:

Early Voting for Election Officials. You can find the Early Voting Handbook and the FAQ links on this website, but you'd have to look for the July 24th email to find the Suggested Forms

Early Voting Information - Election Officials

Early voting SotS:

Early Voting (ct.gov)

Early voting brochure english:

early_voting_2024_primary_digital_brochure_english_color.pdf (ct.gov)

Early voting brochure spanish:

early_voting_2024_primary_digital_brochure_spanish_color.pdf (ct.gov)

SotS Election and Voting Home Page

Elections & Voting - Home Page

The section for Election Officials is about ½ way down the page.

We've had 4 days of Early Voting with extremely light turnout for the Presidential Preference Primary. We are having a statewide Republican Primary in August and that will provide us with 7 days of Early Voting.  But then comes October and early November. 

There is still a chance that the new CVRS and the new EMS will make it by October 2024, but no one is counting on it.


The Secretary of the State's Elections & Voting - Home Page

The ROVAC Handbook for January 2023 is available. (And it is Free!)

Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas wants 10 days early voting.

Connecticut Secretary of the State Advocates for 10 Days of Early Voting | CT News Junkie

1-30-2023 Video of ROVAC President's Hour with Tim De Carlo, Chair of ROVAC Legislative Committee

Proposals for Early In-Person Voting for the State of Connecticut


ROVAC Spring 2023 Conference registration is now open!

ROVAC: Conference Registration


Fred DeCaro reminds the county registrars that we are putting a gift basket together for the conference raffle. Joan from New Canaan and Maria from Westport volunteered to handle the basket.  Donors should email the both of them.

Monday - April 3 

ROVAC Board Meeting 4:00 PM ROVAC Storage Room

ROVAC Lounge 5:45-10:00PM

Tuesday - April 4 Education Day

Registration Check-in & Continental Breakfast (8:00-9:00)

Tenative Classes: TBD

Lunch (12:30-2:30) Speaker TBD

Afternoon class TBD

New registrars class

Moderators Training Class (Recertification for REGISTRARS ONLY)

Dinner on your own

ROVAC LOUNGE 4:30-10:00 Room 340

Wednesday April 5 ROVAC Day

Registration Check-in & Continental Breakfast (8:00-9:00)

Tentative Classes: TBD

Lunch (12:30-2:30) Speaker TBD


ROVAC Lounge 4:30-10:00 Room 340

Thursday April 6 SOTS Day

Registration Check-in & Continental Breakfast (8:00-9:00)

Class 9-12:30 Tentative Classes:

TBD (Chosen and taught by the Secretaries office)

Lunch (12:30-2:30) Secretary of the State Guest Speaker

Afternoon Class (2:30-4:00)

Closing Statements & Raffles

 This agenda will be updated to reflect actual class topics as soon as they are available from the Education Committee.

The hotel is the Southbury Wyndham, Southbury CT. The rate is $139.00 Per night and the cutoff is March 17th. 

Election Day 2022. Tuesday November 8, 2022. The Polls will be open from 6 AM through 8 PM.

And yes, there still is a Daylight Savings Time and it ends on Sunday November 6, at 2 AM. (Your clocks should be set back an hour from Daylight Savings Time). So, make sure your tabulator (memory card) time is set appropriately for election day.

Webinar: Thursday, October 20, 2022 11 am. ROV CEU: Q and A

Followed by: President's Hour

October 20, 2022 right after the SOTS Webinar. Please Join Matt Waggner and Chris Prue for an hour where Matt will go over different ways to make a test deck and Chris will attempt to answer some ROVAC questions.  

Link to Norwalk Registrar of Voters YouTube Channel. (Poll Worker Training Videos).

Instructional Videos 2022 - YouTube 

Link to ROVAC Draft Poll Worker Training. (I found the link under the "Election Admins. Info" menu item on the ROVAC website. You can also find other items on that menu.) 

Poll Workers Training - ROVAC

ROVAC Website

From Fairfield County's Own Fred DeCaro:

Recent correspondence with the attorney administering the Voter Registry Privacy Program. Please read it at this link.

ROVAC President, Chris Prue

The ID requirement signs for both municipal and state elections in English and Spanish. 


What Registrars Do Infographic: 2.pdf (rovac.org) 


Old News

Democratic and Republican Primaries

Tuesday August 9th - All Day!  From 6 am to 8 pm! (And the Registrars get to stay even longer!)

Reminders from our ROVAC President, Chris Prue, about the Primaries

Reminder: Each party primary is technically a separate event that just happens on the same day. While you can combine certain functions and positions you must remember that there are key differences for each party. For example, on august 9th, the democrats will NOT be having any provisional ballots because there are no federal offices on the ballot. Alternatively, the republicans WILL have provisional ballots because there is a federal office on the ballot. This means the forgotten ID form is treated differently for both parties. Those democrats that have an asterisk next to their name are still allowed to fill out the forgotten ID form while the republicans that have an asterisk are not able and must use a provisional ballot. The ID requirement signs for both municipal and state elections in English and Spanish.

Reminder: There is NO Election Day registration for primaries, special elections and referenda. This means all voters must be registered by the deadlines in order to vote.

From Heather:

The primaries have been created and candidates entered into EMS.  We are currently working on entering the November data.  Registrar of Voters can now assign their polling places and head moderator to the primaries.  Please review your tally sheets after you have assigned the polling places. 

Fall Conference registration is open!

Fall conference is being held September 8-9 at the Southbury Wyndham Hotel, Strong town Road, Southbury CT. To register for conference or see the tentative agenda please visit ROVAC: Conference Registration



And: ROVAC LOUNGE Thursday Sept 8th, 4:30-10:00 Room 340 after ROVAC Day activities. 

Webinar Information

"ROV CEU: Major Party Overview"

Date Time: Tuesday, Jul 26, 2022, 11:00 AM  

"ROV CEU: ROV Refresher"

Date & Time: Saturday, Jul 30, 2022, 09:00 AM 

"ROV CEU: New ROV's"

Date & Time: Saturday Jul 30, 2022, 11:00 AM

"ROV CEU: EMS - Head Moderators"

Date Time: Saturday, Jul 30, 2022, 01:00 PM 

(I have no idea what "CEU" means.)

Fairfield County ROVAC Zoom Meeting

Feb 10, 2022 9:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Contact Fred for the Zoom Link


Spring 2022 ROVAC conference will be held April 5-7, 2022


The Second SOTS Webinar will be about 

ROV CEU: Covid/Absentee Ballot Overview

Date & Time

Oct 28, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

.  Participation in this session will count as 1 unit of the continuing education requirement for Registrars of Voters.  

This is a continuing education opportunity for Connecticut Registrars of Voters. Participating in this professional development session will count as 1 hour toward your yearly requirement. Stay tuned for announcements about additional sessions in the coming weeks.

You can also watch a video of the first webinar by contacting LEAD.


August 10, 2021

Fall Conference Registration is now CLOSED

ROVAC Fall 2021 Conference will be held in person at the Southbury Wyndham hotel on September 23 & 24 2021. We look forward to getting back to business with an exciting opportunity for continuing education.

See the Most up to date agenda HERE This will be updated as better information is obtained

June 30, 2021

Results of the annual meeting

From Sue Larson, outgoing ROVAC President.

Thank you to the 50 Registrars that attended the Annual Meeting on Monday night!!!!!!! Thank you to Cromwell for hosting it twice.

Congratulations to the new ROVAC Board.

President - Chris Prue , Vernon

Executive Vice President - Annalisa Stavato, Wilton

Vice President - Karen Birck, Wilton

Secretary - Lauren Olson, Ashford

Treasurer - Peter Gostn, New Britain

Auditors - Lou Decilio, Sratford

Frank McGarry, Thompson

Donna Rusgrove, Burlington

The Budget was passed with a dues increase. Peter Gostin will be sending out the invoices before July 15th.

The bylaws were amended to allow the President under specail circumstances to hold special meetings or the annual meeting by electronic means as long as the participant is visible.

The fall conference will be September 23rd -24th in Southbury. Chris will send out more details.

I want to thank everyone for the lovely crystal vase I recieved. It will be a cherished memory sitting on my table with flowers from my yard.


Sue W. Larsen

ROVAC President


June 25, 2021

From the County ROVAC Chair, Fred DeCaro III

Thanks to all those who attended the Fairfield County ROVAC meeting yesterday.

Some of the suggestions for future conferences I will pass on to the ROVAC Board and respective committees.

DO blend in some national speakers even if voting practices may not be the same in each state.

DO have more EMS courses, either through conference or please have SOTS schedule

DO have more CVRS learning opportunities.  Again, through conference or through ZOOM.

DO have a session where we hear from members of the two state central committees about how we can work tofether.

DO provide us with information on what is done to prevent fraud, misinformation and disinformation.

In addition, this link will take you to my calendar so that you can add some time if you would like to chat:  youcanbook.me

Finally, it was recently announced that we will be having a special election in Greenwich as well as parts of Stamford and New Canaan.  The date has not been finalized, but it will most likely be August 17.    If  you are a new registrar and would like to visit us during this special election, we would be glad to have you visit and observe our operations.  Please let us know if you plan on stopping in so we can be sure we are not visiting polling places and can appropriately greet you.

Fred DeCaro III

Registrar of Voters

Town of Greenwich

Fairfield County ROVAC  intends to have its third and final meeting of the year on Thursday, June 24 at 10AM via Zoom. 

Right now the plan is to discuss the petition process and using CVRS to record who signed petitions. 

Information on Primary Petitions can be found in Chapter 9 of the Manual of Procedures for Registrars of Voters Election Administrators.

Handbook - ROVAC

County Chair Marla Cowden announced her resignation as Chair.  On May 6 Fred DeCaro III was elected County Chair to fill the unexpired term ending June 30, 2022.


ROVAC held its 2021 Spring Conference on Tuesday June 8th and Wednesday June 9th.  It was Virtual.

Tuesday - June 8, 2021

Ted Bromley

Doug Chapin, Director Fors Marsh Group

Hillary Hall, Senior Advisor, National Vote at Home Institute

Kevin Ahern, State Elections Enforcement

Wednesday June 9, 2021

Denise Merrill, Secretary of The State

Melissa Russell & Chris Prue, Non Partisan in the office

Tom Hennick, Freedom of Information

Ryan Bingham & Tim DeCarlo Legislative Wrap up

The annual meeting will be June 12th at 10:00 am. There was concern that we needed 30 days but the bylaws are 14 days so we can hold the meeting on the 12th. Due to the bylaws, the meeting must be in person so Cromwell wil be hosting the meeting at their Town Hall. The room has capacity for 380 people which will give us ample room. Remember, only ROVs can vote unless you have given your deputy a proxy for the annual meeting. This is a very important meeting because there will be the election of the Board for 21/23. I sincerely hope you will be in attendance. More information will be sent out as it gets closer and reports from the committees and counties start to come in. 

Sue Larsen ROVAC President

CITRIX / CVRS Implementation Plan 2021 – 2022 

The installation is going to be starting soon.  Sheena Hodges sent a notification on May 14th but some registrars may not have received it. Contact Sheena or another registrar if you did not get the notice. The town clerks are CVRS users as well, so make sure they got the notice, schedule, and contact sheet that they need for the installation.

The communications for Registrars from the Legislation and Election Division (LEAD) of Connecticut's Secretary of the State's office.


Re: Canvass of Electors to Ascertain Changes of Residence

New Registrars Day - Online.         Feb 6th 2021

The ROVAC board will hold a New Registrars day which we do every two years. The date is February 6th.  It will be done by zoom since we still cannot have large groups meet.  Chris Prue has been fantastic about putting this together.  I do not have a list of new registrars so please pass this on to any new registrars you are aware of . We started at the last new registrars day to include deputies.  It is always a good idea to have your deputies prepped to take over in case of any emergency that happens.  Let them know if them about the session. Please send Chris Prue (Vernon.dem@gmail.com) your email if you would like to attend in order for us to send you the link.  

Update: September 7, 2020

The fall  ROVAC conference was a webinar style conference held on September 9-10.

Conference information can be found on the ROVAC website at http://www.rovac.org/index.php?page=Conference_Info 

It has a list of presentations (or at least the PowerPoints and pdfs from the presentations) on it. Take a look at it.

New Registrars Class Power Point Presentation 


Information on Primary Petitions can be found in Chapter 9 of the Manual of Procedures for Registrars of Voters Election Administrators.

Handbook - ROVAC

UPDATE:  May 21, 2014

Several Towns have requested the quick steps to use the CVRS Petitions Module.

To create a petition:

    Under Maintain Town Data

Choose Town Petitions

Name the petition with a good description

To indicate an elector signed a petition

    Under Maintain Voter History

Select Petition History

Search for a voter

Select the voter

The most recent petition created will already be selected.

Save the voter

To print a list of people who signed a petition

Registrar Maintenance

Petition Voter Detail